Anderson County
Our premarital online course is certified and authorized by Twogether in Anderson County. In fact, our curriculum is approved in all 254 Texas counties. Continue to learn more!

Phone: (361) 790-0122

Aransas County Clerk's Office
2840 Highway 35 N
Rockport, TX 78382
Aransas County
Marriage License Information
In order to successfully apply for a marriage license in Aransas County, the following items are required:
Both applicants must be present (unless a notarized affidavit is submitted on behalf of the absent applicant)
Each applicant must show proof of identity (driver's license, certified copy of birth certificate, or a passport)
Pay $77 marriage license fee (CASH ONLY)
If either applicant has been divorced within the last 30 days, then the county clerk might not issue a marriage license unless the waiting period for the final divorce decree has been waived
Couples that have completed a state-approved marriage class receive a $60 discount and waive the 72-hour waiting requirement to have a valid license.