
and counting!
Get the Best online marriage preparation.
Fun, ALL VIDEO and evidence-based online course crafted and led by top 1% marriage psychotherapist
Dr. Liliana Wolf
Dr. Wolf featured in BRIDES

Twogether In Texas Online
Dr. Liliana Wolf
Official Registered Service Provider
State of Texas Twogether In Texas Program
NOTE: With our Official Certificate of Completion. All of our courses become *FREE
*(After State of TX. $60.00 discount on marriage license)
4 options to choose from. Click your preferred option to learn more
You just need 1 course per couple (1 for both)!
This Texas bride says it best

La Kira Patton
"Best $25.00 dollars that we could have ever spent. My now husband and I received million-dollar knowledge from the pre-marital course that is well worth it.

You have the questions, I have the answers
Let's start!
With My Twogether in Texas Premarital Online Course,
Certified in ALL 254 Counties, You Will:
Save the most money. Guaranteed.
Waive the 3-day waiting period.
Access to an engaging and fun 8-hour, ALL VIDEO online premarital course, not a boring PDF or slideshow.
Prepare for marriage with most experienced, top-ranked licensed relationship expert, Dr. Liliana Wolf.
Get a $60.00 discount on your Texas marriage license. The discount is greater than the cost of the course, making THIS course BETTER than FREE.

Get your license immediately once you show your Official Twogether in Texas Certificate of Completion.
Avoid the 3-day mandatory wait time.
Save time

Save money
Get a $60 discount by showing your certificate. This course pays for itself, leaving more money in your pockets.

Know each other more intimately
Through science-based, enjoyable, and educational exercises and activities.
Deepen your emotional connection

Following THE blueprint that makes the dream of happily ever after a reality.
Make Money By Taking This Course!
Cost of Our Online Premarital Course $23.97
Discount on Texas Marriage License $60.00
Money You Get to Keep In Your Pocket $36.03
You also eliminate the 3-day wait requirement!
Making a difference in marriages, one couple at a time
Are you planning to get married in Texas?
SAVE $60
8-HOUR 100%
OF $23.97
11 Powerful reasons thousands of Texas couples have made this Twogether In Texas a Best-Seller
Twogether In Texas
This course
Same Day Certificate of Completion
We forward Official Certificates of Completion the same day couples fulfill all requirements. We e-mail certificates twice a day, by 8:30 am and 3:30 pm CST, M-F.
REAL 30-day Money Back Guarantee
Yes! we are that confident of the value this course provides Texas couples. Love it or ask for your money back. No questions asked.
Generous 6-month access
Log in and out at your leisure. You have unlimited access to the course for 6 months.
Created and led by HealthGrades top 1% licensed psychotherapist in marriage & family category Nationally (2017-2023) & former Adjunct Professor of Psychology. (Florida International University)
Count on The Relationship Prof. to deliver this 100% video interactive course in a didactic, lively and engaging manner. Committed not to bore you with copied and pasted PDF's read on camera, or a monotonous slide show filled with material you may already know.
LGBTQ -affirtmative version available
Specifically tailored to LGBTQ couples. Voted "The Best LGBTQ premarital preparation course of 2021, 2022 & 2023" by the Choosing Therapy organization.
Spanish version available
The only research-based non-denominational premarital preparation course of its kind with videos, reading material and fun activities in Spanish.
5-Star licensed Florida psychotherapist, Healthgrades reviews
As licensed Florida clinicians authorized by the State of Texas to prepare couples for marriage, nothing speaks louder about our competency, reputation, and integrity than reviews of our work written by the actual patients/clients/couples we have served throughout the years We proudly display our HealthGrades ratings and reviews.
Verified, authentic Google Testimonials written by couples just like you.
Ratings and reviews you can trust.
Greater savings
Grateful at being the best-seller of premarital courses nationwide we pass the savings onto you so you can get THE BEST for less.
#1 Best-seller
Check our live purchase counter authenticated by Prove Source and join the thousands -Yes, THOUSANDS- of awesome Texas couples who have chosen Dr. Liliana Wolf, The Relationship Prof. to prepare them for marriage.
Better Business Bureau A+ Rating
Recognized by our outstanding customer service since 1997. You can buy with confidence. Your purchase is protected by our reputation with the BBB reflected in our A Plus rating.
Save $60 on your Texas marriage license!
Valid in all 254 Texas counties
Meet Dr. Liliana Wolf
Would you like to know how you can remain deeply, emotionally connected with your future spouse for life?
Or how to maintain and enhance the joy, sense of belonging, acceptance, and understanding of true intimacy that can come from a marital relationship?
Want to know the best part?
Answering these questions with couples preparing for marriage is exactly what I have been doing since 1997 and now...
I can do it for you!
Hi, my name is Dr. Liliana Wolf. I am a licensed Florida psychotherapist with over two decades of experience working with couples, a former adjunct professor of psychology at Florida International University, author, and relationship expert.
Why did I create an online premarital course?
Couples who schedule in-office visits for premarital counseling or couple’s therapy often wait for months and pay up to $350 an hour. Sessions with an experienced clinician are expensive, which can prevent couples from seeking help before there’s an issue.
That’s why I’m on a mission...
...to prepare as many couples for marriage with the best and latest evidence-based information available. And I am determined to provide that information at the most affordable price!
So I created an official Twogether in Texas premarital online course!
I believe the scientific research that shows, that couples who prepare for marriage have everything at their disposal to maintain their bond forever.
I didn’t want this course to be a retelling of stuff you’ve already heard or a boring slideshow that you simply have to click through. My premarital preparation course is 100% VIDEO filled with engaging eye-opening and fun interactive exercises.
This course will show you how deep emotional connection is the framework for a great marriage.
Register today to learn what it means to be deliberate and mindful about maintaining a connection and experience a lifetime of bonding!
My Healthgrades reviews as a clinician

Take a peek into what’s included.

The Science of Love
You were born to connect. You both are neuro-biologically wired to create attachments from the moment you were born. Groundbreaking research spearheaded by Dr.Susan Johnson from The University of Ottawa Canada, clearly has torn down the myth that humans outgrow this need once we reach adulthood. Provocative, isn’t it?

The Threat of Disconnection
This all video module will show you how to avoid the destructive cycle of disconnection. We all want to feel loved and accepted. When we sense disconnection, however, we go into panic mode. Some of us, will withdraw, while others will fight for reestablishing connection. This can send any relationship into a destructive never-ending cycle.

Understanding your Reactive Style: your triggers
In this multi-media module you will learn to go beyond impulsive reactions and delve into the real heart of every problem. Most importantly, this module is packed with eye-opening interactive exercises to practice. Practice, as they say, makes perfect…(well, almost).

What It Takes to Remain Connected:
The three key elements behind marital satisfaction
Happily forever after starts here. My Love Connection Interactive Questionnaire, up until now only available to those couples I prepare for marriage, taps on the three main components of deep emotional bonding and connectedness. You will be able to access it here.

Vulnerability and Connection for Open Communication
I will show you how to maintain emotional safety. Because it is so easy to feel hurt the moment we sense disconnection (and you will have those moments in your marriage), I will reveal to you “the game changer”, the key practice that helps create and maintain the emotional safety in your marriage.

Empathy and Connection for Effective Communication
Open and Effective Communication and Deescalating conflict. This all-video module goes beyond the ‘basic skills to resolve conflict’, that most courses focus on (part of what makes us different 😊). Here you will learn to practice empathy. Research has shown that empathy is not a trait, but a skill you can actually get better at. I show you how.

Values in Marriage
About your values….. your essence. Research on values indicates that these tend to predict our attitudes, preferences and behaviors.
As you become partners in life, an open conversation on what each one of you considers good and worthy is thus of upmost importance. With my guided conversation tool “My values, My Essence, Your Values, Your Essence”, up until now only available to those couples I see at my office, you will have the opportunity to discuss your values with each other.

Money and Marriage
To openly talk about finances. In this module the two of you will find a guide that will facilitate an open dialogue of what most couples have difficulty discussing: finances. You will not be leaving any stone upturned. You will dig deep into your beliefs, attitudes and behaviors regarding money. What you don’t talk about can actually hurt you.

What It Takes To be Ready for Baby
To see if you are ready for baby…. or not. Here you will find what happens when baby arrives, and what the pre-requisites are that make sure the transition into parenthood is successful. Here you both will explore your readiness for having a baby.
The Joy of Marital Sex (you will enjoy practicing this one)
This all-video training packed with eye-opening interactive activities will show you how feeling deeply connected and emotionally safe creates a magical prelude for the best sexual experience. I share with you The Key factor that makes for GREAT Sex.

Conflict Management
To manage conflict wisely is one of the smartest ways to safeguard your relationship. This interactive multimedia module will show you how to avoid the pitfalls that result in the break-up of communication and most importantly, you will practice how to remain connected even when in conflict.
Making Love Last Forever
To live happily forever after. Time to put into practice this evidence-based blueprint to make your relationship last a lifetime. Use it, live it, practice it, and make it part of your everyday life with final recommendations based on my work with thousands (yes, thousands) of couples.
Total Value: Priceless
Today's Price: ONLY $23.97
:Dr. Wolf Has Been Featured in

Congratulations on your decision to get married!
The mere fact you are exploring the possibility to invest in preparing for this journey shows that marriage matters to you. I have great news! Research has shown that couples who decide to prepare for marriage tend to be the most committed.
There are a plethora of studies which indicate that by taking a pre-marital course you will be:
Enhancing your marital satisfaction
Building a strong bonding and connection, and
Increasing the probability of remaining married by 50%.
If you are like most, you choose to be married because you have love in your heart, and marriage feels so right to both of you.
I would be so honored to accompany you as you embark on this lifetime journey.
My Professional Affiliations