Anderson County
Our premarital online course is certified and authorized by Twogether in Anderson County. In fact, our curriculum is approved in all 254 Texas counties. Continue to learn more!

Phone: (830) 796-3332
Fax: (830) 796-8323

County Clerk
500 Main Street
P.O. Box 823
Bandera, TX 78003
7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Bandera County
Marriage License Information
In order to successfully apply for a marriage license in Bandera County, the following items are required:
Each applicant must appear at the County Clerk's office to apply for the marriage license
Each applicant must be 18+ years old unless a court orders otherwise
Each applicant must provide a valid photo ID
Each applicant must provide a Social Security Number (SSN)
Each applicant will need to provide their place of birth (city, state, county)
Pay $82 marriage license fee (cash, check, MasterCard or Visa debit or credit cards accepted)
Note that Marriage Licenses are issued from 7:00 am to 4:15 pm Monday thru Friday.
Couples that have completed a state-approved marriage class receive a $60 discount and waive the 72-hour waiting requirement to have a valid license.