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Anderson County

Our premarital online course is certified and authorized by Twogether in Anderson County. In fact, our curriculum is approved in all 254 Texas counties. Continue to learn more!

Anderson County
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Callahan County
Twogether in Texas
Online Premarital Course

Comprising: Baird, Clyde, Cross Plains, Putnam, Eula


Official Twogether in Texas Premarital Course

Save time and money on your Callahan County marriage license application by completing our approved Texas premarital online course with a top-ranked and experienced marriage therapist, Dr. Liliana Wolf!


Phone: (325) 854-5815

Fax: (325) 854-5816


County Clerk

100 West Fourth Street Suite 104
Baird, Texas 79504


Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday 8am-2pm

Callahan County
Marriage License Information

  • In order to successfully apply for a marriage license in Callahan County, the following items are required: 

    • Applicants must appear together at the county clerk's office 

    • Applicants must be 18+ years old 

    • Valid photo ID such as driver’s license, military I.D. card, passport, etc.

    • Social Security Number (SSN) 

    • Pay $82 marriage license fee 

  • You can start the online marriage license application here

  • Couples that have completed a state-approved marriage class receive a $60 discount and waive the 72-hour waiting requirement to have a valid license.    

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